Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Wittgenstein in the sea of faith

Not to be confused with the upcoming conference in Iceland is the website In the Footsteps of Wittgenstein, "a celebration of creativity and life through works inspired by Ludwig Wittgenstein." There I found this video about Wittgenstein:

Part 2 is here:

I'm not sure about the interpretation offered (neither quite what it is nor whether it's right), but at the very least it's interesting to see some of the places where Wittgenstein lived and died.


  1. an artist here did a project on w's hut:

  2. Thanks. I wish I could see the exhibit. The views from the hut must have been magnificent (in summer anyway).

    1. They are indeed!, and now the hut (or so I have heared) will be restored -- no doubt, to the great joy of the countless philosophy tourists who venturing all the way to the innermost parts of the Sogne fjord each summer.

    2. That's good news! Maybe I'll join the other philosophy tourists some day. And there are more good pictures in the article you link to at your blog--thanks!
