Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Philosophy and poetry

My essay "Philosophy and Poetry" is now available online here. It's part of an issue of Essays in Philosophy on "Philosophy's Future: Science or Something Else?" and the whole issue looks worth exploring. Thanks again to everyone here who encouraged me to write it and helped me improve it. 


  1. Congrats. I hope I can find/make time to explore this issue, too, and to look at the final version of your paper.

  2. Thanks. I haven't read any of the rest of it either yet, but some of the papers sound interesting. And I wouldn't have written mine if it weren't for you telling me about this issue, so thanks again for that.

  3. Congrats, Duncan. Do you have an electronic copy of the paper you could send me?

  4. Yes, of course. If you want a PDF, go here and then click "download" over on the right hand side. If you want a Word version (or some other format) let me know.

    I realize now that in my acknowledgments I mention people who responded to a draft of the paper but not Matt Pianalto, without whose help I would never have written so much as a draft in the first place. I hope my thanks here will partly make up for that oversight.

  5. I have to read the paper again more carefully, but I enjoyed it! Thanks for the link.

  6. Matt and Bosphorus-you're welcome (and thanks).
