Wednesday, June 15, 2016

More videos

If you liked the video of Cora Diamond's recent lecture you might want to see if there's anything here you've missed:

Russell on Wittgenstein, Sea of Faith documentary on Wittgenstein, and Wittgenstein the movie

Cora Diamond speaking at Gregynog in Wales, 2011

Rai Gaita at the same conference

Stephen Mulhall on Wittgenstein (part 1, part 2) and as one of Melvyn Bragg's guests in a program on guilt

Stanley Cavell on "The Wittgensteinian Event" (and more Cavell here)

Lars Hertzberg in conversation with Frederick Stoutland on Georg von Wright and at Gregynog


I went to Vietnam. You can read about it over at philpercs here, here, here, and here if you like. Short version: it's hot, there are lots of motorcycles, it seems to be developing quickly, I liked it.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Cora Diamond on Wittgenstein's attitude to his times

OLP & Literary Studies Online has a link here. It's to a video of a lecture which I haven't had a chance to watch yet, but it sounds very good.

Nordic Wittgenstein Review

[The following is cut-and-pasted from my email.]

The Nordic Wittgenstein Review hereby invites you to preview and comment on three accepted papers to be published in NWR Vol. 5, No. 1 (2016).

This Open Review procedure will be on for a few weeks from now on. Our hope is to engage the community in a process of collaborative review, with the aim of improving the quality of the publication.

The pre-print (with comment function for registered users) is available on the NWR website:

You can also comment on Facebook or
on Twitter #nordicwittgensteinreview. If you comment in your blog, please do provide us with the link! The commentators are expected to appear as peers i.e. by their real names.

This issue of the NWR in its entirety will appear at the end of June 2016.

To comment and to receive our notifications, register as a reader of NWR (free of charge):

1. In your comment, please refer by section and page number, e.g.: "Sect. 2 [Title], p. 7", or by quoting the passage commented upon.
2. We seek constructive commentary and criticism which may help the author improve the text. The comment field is moderated by the editors.
3. Please do not cite the Pre-print versions elsewhere. These are works in progress. (In urgent situations, refer to as forthcoming, Nordic Wittgenstein Review Vol. 5, No. 1 Pre-print version May 2016, [date of download].)

This open review procedure was designed by the  EU-project Agora - Scholarly Open Access in European Philosophy 2011-14

Nordic Wittgenstein Review (NWR) publishes original contributions on all aspects of Wittgenstein's thought and work. Each issue includes an invited paper, an interview, a section for peer-reviewed articles, a section in which seminal works are re-published or where previously unpublished archival materials are presented, as well as a book review section.

The journal is a full Open Access journal, published by the Nordic Wittgenstein Society (NWS).

More information about the Nordic Wittgenstein Review is to be found here:

Thinking about submitting a paper?

The Editors

Anne-Marie Soendergaard Christensen
Martin Gustafsson
Yrsa Neuman

PS. Feel free to circulate this invitation.